“aquaTecture — intergenerational living on water”
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Intergenerational living on water
In the thesis on the topic “AquaTecture — Intergenerational Living on the water“In particular, autonomous energy generation, the use of new technology in terms of building on water, the investigation of accessibility and compatibility with the residential concept of multi-generational living were investigated. Juliane Behnert was supervised at Wismar University by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Hackel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Kathmann and Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kathmann.
In return, received Juliane Pauline Behnert (25), the first-level innovation prize, endowed with 1250 euros, is Graduate of the Master's program in Architecture at the Faculty of Design.

Juliane Pauline Behnert says about herself and her project Living on Water:
I am very lucky to have been born and raised on the coast. While sailing, I often dream of what it would be like to spend my life “completely” on the water, in a houseboat to live. What would speak against it? I just can't think of many reasons for that. I can imagine that many people feel the same way I do. They have the idea, an idea of what the perfect living space would look like, but they may not believe in the feasibility. I have an advantage in this regard, I completed my architecture degree a few months ago and therefore had plenty of opportunity to deal with this topic and as part of my master's thesis, the Living on the water to take a closer look. In this context, I asked myself:
How can houseboats enable all generations to live sustainably in the future?
In order to meet the requirements of a master's thesis and come close to my own idea of a future, progressive form of living, I planned in atypical dimensions. Big. The little ones houseboats on Müritz, used as a holiday home, fulfill their purpose, but certainly hardly suitable as a permanent residence. I had in mind a complex of several floating structures that offers living space for people of all ages and, in the best case, can be operated autonomously. On the one hand to offer space for many people, and on the other hand to adapt the building to the metropolitan development of the Hamburg-Altona berth.

The modular design concept is taken up in this work in order to minimize production costs and ensure comprehensive prefabrication. Timber frame construction is suitable for the most compact, open and functional floor plans possible. Wall and ceiling modules can be prefabricated in the factory and assembled on the construction site or, as in this design, in the shipyard. The focus was not only on accessibility, energy-efficient technologies and multi-generational living on water, but also on flexibility. Life is full of changes, the living space should adapt to my life and not vice versa. Die floats therefore offer space for small individual apartments in a residential community, family-friendly apartments and rooms for older people. Holistic and flexible suggestions for a joint cooperation between young and old, in which both benefit, are far from being commonplace. Creative and unconventional multi-generational living will not only become more popular in the future, but will probably also become essential.
In addition to the prefabricated furniture, which is optimally adapted to the floor plans, the composition of the individual modules is also of particular importance. Modules can be added, removed or installed elsewhere according to the needs of residents. Although this system is not intended for everyday use, it can achieve individual adaptation to changes in the community in the long term. This is also a positive aspect of the situation on the water.
A heat pump with compressor serves as heating. The temperature of the water can be used as an energy supplier. The collector surface is located below the houseboat. The heated storage medium heats the rooms with the help of floor heating. Infrared panels on the ceilings should cover peak loads. Through an abortion vacuum system, the waste water enters a tank in the pontoon and this is pumped out at regular intervals, similar to a larger ship. The fresh water tanks are also refilled via a temporary shore connection. Through a rainwater recovery plant, some of the precipitation can be returned to the building's water cycle.

A collection of parameters for planning such a concept can make a lot easier and should therefore always serve as a basis. The 20 design parameters for this project were compiled from experience reports, subject-related literature and with a view to numerous reference objects. On the basis of this planning aid, the idea and planning draft for Floating Homes be developed. When dealing with the issue of building for living on water, the “Approval Guide for houseboats and floating houses in the Hamburg-Mitte district” as a basis.

In summary, it was found that the guide provides a comprehensive overview of the legal basis and requirements for the construction of Floating Homes enables. Should more areas of the Elbe be eligible for approval in the future, which would be desirable, this would, however, have to be adapted to the conditions there. Looking back, local criteria such as tidal range, water flow and the adjacent massive development posed the biggest difficulties in the design process. Although innovative and unusual methods were able to solve them, they question the chosen location as the best choice. Telescopic dolphins or a hydraulic pressure piston lift, for example, were used. A tide independent and quieter berth could be more suitable for such a project. However, the energy concept has been adapted to this location and should look different elsewhere.

How would I like to live?
A legitimate and yet far too rarely asked question. I have no influence on what's on TV and how the weather will be tomorrow, but how and where I live should actually be in my own hands. So how would you like to live?

As an experienced houseboat expert, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about buying a houseboat. I am looking forward to your message!